Blog: misc

Zakon Čekrčića

Nedavno sam pročitao jednu objavu na Redditu u kojoj jedan korisnik spominje kako se balkanski mentalitet razlikuje od drugih po tome što olako omalovažavamo i spuštamo druge, pogotovo one koji imaju ili žele postići uspjeh. Uspjeh se ne podnosti i obično idu komentari a la "Ma 'ta će on", "E, jes' umislio", "Vidi ga što skače, umislio on mi neki sportaš..."

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Jučer sam bio kod oca. Često gledamo ili englesku Premier Ligu ili očiglednu rusku propagandu na srbijanskim kanalima kao što su Happy i Vesti po pitanju ruske agresije na Ukrajinu. Međutim, ovaj put smo nabasali na Slap Boxing iliti Šamaranje na nekom od sportskih kanala. Radilo se o nekakvom poljskom turniru u šamaranju, gdje dvojica učesnika razmjenjuju šamare jedan drugome, i pobjednik je onaj koji ostane na nogama ili pobijedi na poene.

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Media consumption in May 2024

Here's the very late list of some of the media I consumed in May 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.

  • Bros., Lecce: We Eat at The Worst Michelin Starred Restaurant, Ever. Eating at a Michelin-star restauraint doesn't gurantee you a great meal.
  • You'll Never Find Me. A very decent psychological horror. 7/10.
  • Insidious: The Red Door. Barely decent horror. Previous works in the series are much better. 4/10
  • The Mothman Prophecies. Rewatched this oldie, and I think I liked it more when I was younger. 5/10.
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UN declares Srebrenica Genocide remembrance day

The United Nations General Assembly voted yesterday to establish an annual day of remembrance for the 1995 Srebrenica genocide, despite vehement opposition from Bosnian Serbs and Serbia. The resolution, A/RES/78/282, authored by Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Rwanda, received 84 votes in favor, 19 against, and 68 abstentions.

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Media consumption in April 2024

Here's the list of some of the media I consumed in April 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.