Using Linux for five years

Five years ago, I made the switch from Windows to Linux, and I haven’t looked back since. I started my journey with Linux Mint, where I stayed for a while. It was a great introduction to Linux, and I still recommend it to anyone seeking a Windows alternative. After Mint, I transitioned to Ubuntu for a bit before finally settling on Debian, which I’ve been using since late 2021.

Currently, I use Debian, though not the stable version. I prefer the Testing branch (codename Trixie), which is essentially a testing ground for what will become Debian 13 in about a year or so.

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Keeper of the Seven Keys

I have a photographic memory, which means I can recall some incredibly obscure moments from my life. Today, I found myself with an unexpected urge to listen to a particular song by the German power metal band Helloween1—Keeper of the Seven Keys. This track is from their album Keeper of the Seven Keys: Part II, released in 1988.

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Zakon Čekrčića

Nedavno sam pročitao jednu objavu na Redditu u kojoj jedan korisnik spominje kako se balkanski mentalitet razlikuje od drugih po tome što olako omalovažavamo i spuštamo druge, pogotovo one koji imaju ili žele postići uspjeh. Uspjeh se ne podnosti i obično idu komentari a la "Ma 'ta će on", "E, jes' umislio", "Vidi ga što skače, umislio on mi neki sportaš..."

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Jučer sam bio kod oca. Često gledamo ili englesku Premier Ligu ili očiglednu rusku propagandu na srbijanskim kanalima kao što su Happy i Vesti po pitanju ruske agresije na Ukrajinu. Međutim, ovaj put smo nabasali na Slap Boxing iliti Šamaranje na nekom od sportskih kanala. Radilo se o nekakvom poljskom turniru u šamaranju, gdje dvojica učesnika razmjenjuju šamare jedan drugome, i pobjednik je onaj koji ostane na nogama ili pobijedi na poene.

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Emacs: The Second Round

"I find myself once again in that deep, dark, endless rabbit hole of Emacsland, but something is different this time. I don’t want to leave as I did last time, at least not for now. I think I’ve seen the light of the Cathedral of Holy Emacs, and I want Emacs to be part of my writing experience from now on."

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