This girl gets it

This lady nails what's wrong today in the modern society.

You're not respectful, you don't give them peace. Maybe try being kind and sweet and nice, and don't bring drama into their lives. And don't try to change them. Accept them for who they are and believe in them.

Et strejf af lykke

Kan du være et menneske nok til at søge om tilgivelse? Det er basalt set det centrale spørgsmål i den bosniske film Et strejf af lykke (Najsretniji čovjek na svijetu, 2022). I filmen følger vi Asja, som er en 45-årig kvinde, der bor i Sarajevo og hun befinder sig til et dating-party for at møde nye mennesker. Hendes match er Zoran, en jævnaldrende som umiddelbart ikke er efter kærlighed. Under deres kontrollerede møde finder Asja ud af, at Zoran faktisk søger tilgivelse for noget han gjorde under den serbiske krig mod Bosnien i 1993.

En scene fra filmen
Zoran fortæller Asja, at han, som serbisk soldat, beskød sin by, Sarajevo.

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Genocide: A World History (book)

In the human journey through history, we have marveled at the heights of human achievement and progress, from the arts to science, philosophy to technology. Yet, we must also confront the darker aspects of our shared past, acknowledging the tragic reality of the ultimate human brutality—genocide. Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin coined the term that the UN defined in 1948 as acts committed with “the intent to destroy, in whole or in part a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
a. Killing members of the group;
b. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
e. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” 1

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Lov na divlju ovcu

"Lov na divlju ovcu" sam pročitao ovog ljeta na Rodosu, i radi se o djelu koje Haruki Murakami smatra svojim prvencem, a donosi karakteristični pečat njegovog stila i tematike. Roman prati glavnog junaka koji napušta svoj posao i usamljuje se u planinama Japana. Ova priča duboko istražuje koncept usamljeničkog života i čežnje za nečim više, što je tema koja se može povezati sa mnogim aspektima, kao što su npr. filozofija, psihologija i mediji.

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Sushi med venner

I forbindelse med Amras digtsamlingen "Nordbanen" har Amra og jeg været ude at spise med venner. Denne gang stod sushi for tur. Selvom mændene i grupper ikke er naturlige elskere af sushi, især dem med rå fisk i, var der alligevel noget godt for alle.

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The Lessons of History (book)

When I received the book "The Lessons of History", it didn't look very impressive with its mere hundred pages. But I learned a long time ago that I shouldn't judge a book by its page number.

In the vast scope of human history, only a handful of books shine as guiding lights, illuminating the path through time with wisdom. I am not quite sure "The Lessons of History", written by Will and Ariel Durant, is one such work, but with its 102 pages, it does capture the essence of human civilization. It offers a mosaic of insights into our history, inviting readers to contemplate our journey from the past to the present, and perhaps into the future.

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Vi har modtaget det første eksemplar af Amras flotte digtsamling "Nordbanen", som jeg skrev om et par uger siden. Alle digtene er skrevet de sidste fem år. Digtsamlingen indeholder 26 digte i alt, som er inddelt i tre emner: Livet, Natur og Univers.

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Covers for Mixtape 004

For almost a year, I've been crafting Avdibeg mixtapes, largely fueled by a wave of nostalgia. We live in times when everything's digital and “in the clouds”. It's my little resistance and attempt to emulate the making of real, physical mixtapes that used to thrive in the vibrant 1980s.

It's time to compile a new mixtape, the fourth in the series, and I needed a proper cover for it. So, I created these four samples with a little help from my invisible AI friend, and here are the four suggestions.

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The Weather Talk

The crazy hailing and raining happened on August 28, 2023. Danish weather, man, it's something…

Using Linux for four years

I admit, I am a strange cookie. Sometimes I can remember the details about something that happened years ago. Very often I know where exactly on a page I read a particular sentence in a book. In the same way, I remember I decided to finally switch to Linux from Windows four years ago during my daughter's football training. I was fed up with technical issues I was having with Windows 10, but also Microsoft's increasing telemetry and constantly activating “features” on Windows, even though I deactivated it. I remember there was a heavy rain, and luckily I even have a short video recording of it. For some reason, I always like documenting an interesting meteorological condition.

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I am having this website for about twenty-one years. A few days ago I used Wayback Machine to check out previous versions of, and, boy, did it change. The earliest version they keep of my website is the one from November 22, 2002, and it looked something like this.

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Umjetna inteligencija i Platonove kardinalne vrline


Na mom radnom stolu, i na poslu i u domu, stoji samoljepljiva cjeduljica prikačena za monitor sa četiri riječi koje me povremeno podsjete šta je ono što bi nas trebalo činiti dobrim ljudima i činiti naše živote ispravnim i moralno korektnim. Te četiri riječi potiču iz antičke Grčke, i mislim da su više nego relevantne i dan-danas, iako se savremeno društvo i civilizacija u velikoj mjeri razlikuju od drevne Atine i drugih grčkih polisa. Nekada su samo muškarci određene starosne dobi i društvenog statusa mogli odlučivati o sudbini cijelog društva, a danas imamo sreću što živimo u vremenu kada je ljudska civilizacija dostigla svoj zasad najveći stepen razvijenosti i blagostanja, uprkos svim postojećim izazovima i nedaćama koje nam još uvijek stoje na putu. Kao što mnogi s pravom pretpostavljaju, nalazimo se na pragu nove paradigme, koja bi potencijalno mogla uputiti cijelo čovječanstvo na jedan drugi stepen razvoja i u drugačiju civilizacijsku putanju od ove dosadašnje, u kojoj smo ovisili isključivo od ljudske dosjetljivosti, kreativnosti i snalažljivosti. Put od sada bi mogao biti korigovan i upravljan čak i od nekih drugih faktora koji još uvijek nisu dio ljudskog korpusa. Naravno, govorim o autonomnim mašinama, robotima, kiborzima, dronovima, digitalnoj besmrtnosti i najzad onom što će biti nova materija koja će povezivati pomenute subjekte i mnogo drugih elemenata u našem društvu - umjetna inteligencija.

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