Blog: misc

Media consumption in April 2024

Here's the list of some of the media I consumed in April 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.

My media consumption in March 2024

Here's the list of some of the media I consumed in March 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.

Age of Bullshit

We live in an age saturated with information, and unfortunately, a fair share of that information falls under the umbrella of “bullshit.” Philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt famously explored this phenomenon in his book “On Bullshit.” He uses an anecdote about Ludwig Wittgenstein's friend, Fania Pascal, who, after having her tonsils removed, likened her pain to that of a dog hit by a car. Wittgenstein's response, “You don't know what a dog that has been run over feels like”; perfectly exemplifies the essence of bullshit.

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Bezmenov and ideological subversion

Recently, I watched an extremely important video, an interview with a former Soviet diplomat and journalist, Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov. He was a Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency (APN) and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada. The PGU KGB (The First Main Directorate) was in charge of handling foreign operations and intelligence for the Soviet Union. This included training and managing undercover agents, overseeing intelligence collection, and gathering information on politics, science, and technology from both abroad and within the country.

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Yuri Bezmenov in the interview.

After being assigned to a post in India, Bezmenov developed a fondness for the people and culture there. However, he grew disenchanted with the KGB's support for suppressing Soviet dissidents and intellectuals who disagreed with Moscow's policies. This led him to defect to the West. Bezmenov is primarily known for his lectures and books opposing Marxism and Atheism, published during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

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Tea is Chai

If tea spread to your country by sea you call it tea, if it spread by land you call it chai. This is because the ports of Fujian and Taiwan use the coastal pronunciation "te", whereas Mandarin uses "chá".

So, stop using both names when offering tea to people – there is no 'chai tea'! :)

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This girl gets it

This lady nails what's wrong today in the modern society.

You're not respectful, you don't give them peace. Maybe try being kind and sweet and nice, and don't bring drama into their lives. And don't try to change them. Accept them for who they are and believe in them.

The Weather Talk

The crazy hailing and raining happened on August 28, 2023. Danish weather, man, it's something…

Sunset in Vejle, pt. 2

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a beautiful image I shot while taking a late evening walk. I don't know why I really enjoy looking at sunsets, sky and clouds in general, but I took another one. And it's from the exactly same spot as previously.

Sunset in Vejle
Sunset in Vejle.

5000 skridt om dagen

Jeg kan huske, da man kunne læse, at man skulle gå mindst 15.000 skridt, hvis man ville være sund, og at 10.000 skridt bestemt ikke var nok. Så kom der nyhedsartikler, der påstod, at nu var 10.000 nok, ikke mindst fordi det styrkede knogler.

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Two different generations

This is a great example of how two different generations of Homo sapiens apparently don't understand each other.

The girl is filming a video in a park, updating her fans on social media about her running routine. Then a middle-aged man comes in the picture and sits down on a bench right behind her. The girl doesn't like that, so she asks him to move to another bench, but the man refuses.

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Sunset in Vejle

I love sunsets. I got this one during my late afternoon walk. It's magical.

Sunset in Vejle
Sunset in Vejle.

A new change

It's time for a new change on the website. After two and half years running on GRAV content management system, I decided to use something even lighter. Previously, I used WordPress then jumped on GRAV, because I wanted to get rid of using database and heavy system. But then I realized that GRAV didn't make my system much faster and lighter. I also found out that I wasn't very active on my website, writing blog posts and such.

So, I decided to get rid of it and use a much lighter CMS (actually, it is just an online editor), so I implemented Yellow, a light CMS I know for several years now. After using a lot of time converting all the content to Yellow, I am ready now to present you a new, fresh and much faster version of Cheers!