Blog: english


I've seen this post by Haris Pašović, a theater director, in which he mentions Damir Uzunović, a Bosnian poet, and his poem Nokturno:

Ne čitam novine
U sažvakanom hljebu okus je
njihove naslovne strane
Sve sam lakši
Sve sam bilže duši
Noći u kojima poželim da se ubijem
Naprosto prespavam

I really liked it, so I translated it to English.

I don't read the newspaper.
There is flavor in the chewed bread,
their front pages.
I'm getting lighter.
I am more and more closer to the soul
Of the nights wherein I want to kill myself.
I'm just sleeping.

Media consumption in April 2024

Here's the list of some of the media I consumed in April 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.

Concert: The Music of Hans Zimmer and Others

Amra and I went to a concert in Kolding last Friday. It was the concert where an orchestra played many Hans Zimmer soundtracks from movies like Top Gun, Dune, The Lion King, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar and others.

It was fun listening to many fabulous tracks from one of my favorite film composers, but the orchestra also played a few compositions of Ennio Moricone (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly).

My favorite Hans Zimmer soundtracks are Gladiator and Interstellar. Hvala, Amra!

Bosnia in Easter

I drove 1,750 kilometers from Denmark to Bosnia with my dad. It went really smoothly, without any issues on the road. The trip to Bosnia took only 18 hours. We visited our hometown Bosanski Šamac. We stayed there for about eight-nine days, and then we drove back to Denmark again. We were together with my uncle, who still lives in the town, and we also visited Gradačac and Brčko. We had a great weather in Šamac, it was between 25 and 28 degrees.

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View at the eastern part of Bos. Šamac.

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Quo Vadis, Aida?

Quo Vadis, Aida? is a touching and powerful film that sheds light on one of the darkest chapters in recent European history. Directed by Jasmila Žbanić, this Bosnian war drama takes us back to 1995 during the Bosnian War when the UN-designated safe area of Srebrenica was tragically overrun by fascist Serbian forces.

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Aida doing everything to protect her family.

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My media consumption in February 2024

Here's the list of some of the media I consumed in February 2024. Mostly, it's films, books, articles, and videos.
* Kafu mi draga ispeci performed by Damir Imamović. Dad used to sing and whistle this song occasionally when I was a boy, and that's why I love it so much. The image of my father humming this old song as he prepares to leave the apartment is deeply, deeply etched in my head and evokes pleasant, warm emotions. It reminds me of my wonderful childhood, my good father and my late mother whom he always loved immensely. I also remember an early dawn. I was six or seven years old. It's still dark outside, and I woke up in my grandma's apartment, who was probably preparing breakfast in the kitchen, and Predrag Gojković Cune is singing this remarkable song on the radio.
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The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

In religious studies, few topics are as controversial as the origins of Christianity. One of the most interesting figures in this narrative is the apostle Paul. His influence on the early Christian movement is undeniable. In his book, “The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity,” Hyam Maccoby delves into the historical context surrounding Paul's life and teachings, offering a critical perspective on his role in shaping the Christian faith.

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Far Cry 5

When I decided to switch from Windows to Linux sometime in late summer of 2019, my biggest gripe was that I would not be able to play Far Cry 5, a video game that I was very much into at the time. However, it didn't prevent me from switching. Well, almost four years later, I can report that the game works fabulously in Linux. Image without description
A true first-person shooter.

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So, during this winter break, I went on a journey through the captivating world of Firewatch—a game that has left a lasting mark on my gaming experience. As someone who cherishes atmospheric adventures and gripping narratives, Firewatch quickly became one game that I enjoyed a lot, captivating me with its stunning visuals, immersive story, and very relaxing gameplay.

From the moment I booted up Firewatch, I was greeted by a mesmerizing landscape of the Wyoming wilderness. The vibrant colors and stylized visuals drew me in, making me feel like I was stepping into a painting come to life. Every step I took felt like a leap into the unknown (but also a kind of familiar environment), with the rustling leaves and distant wildlife adding to the sense of immersion.

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Age of Bullshit

We live in an age saturated with information, and unfortunately, a fair share of that information falls under the umbrella of “bullshit.” Philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt famously explored this phenomenon in his book “On Bullshit.” He uses an anecdote about Ludwig Wittgenstein's friend, Fania Pascal, who, after having her tonsils removed, likened her pain to that of a dog hit by a car. Wittgenstein's response, “You don't know what a dog that has been run over feels like”; perfectly exemplifies the essence of bullshit.

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24 songs

Somebody on a progressive metal Subreddit posted their list of 25 top songs, limiting one song per band. Here's my current list, with a strong emphasis on “current”:

  1. Opeth - Reverie-Harlequin Forest
  2. Symphony X - When All Is Lost
  3. Dream Theater - Pale Blue Dot
  4. Pain of Salvation - Thorn Clown
  5. Animals As Leaders - The Woven Web
  6. Zero Hour - Evidence of the Unseen
  7. Adagio - Second Sight
  8. Artension - Time Goes Slowly By
  9. Andromeda - Slaves Of The Plethora Season
  10. Winds - Fall and Rise
  11. Southern Storm - Opstanak
  12. Vitalij Kuprij - Destination
  13. Power of Omens - Alone I Stand
  14. Leprous - Nighttime Disguise
  15. Orphaned Land - Fruits From Different Trees-Ishma'el and Itzhak
  16. Rishloo - Feathergun In The Garden Of The Sun
  17. Whom Gods Destroy - In The Name Of War
  18. Myrath - I Wanna Die
  19. Threshold - Slipstream
  20. Thought Chamber - Balance of One
  21. Clockwork - East of Knowing
  22. Eniac Requiem - Prelude
  23. Born of Osiris - Recreate
  24. Mindflow - Crossing Enemy's Line

The Age of Extremes

Recently, I delved into Eric Hobsbawm's “The Age of Extremes,” a historical grand work that left me captivated and contemplative.

Hobsbawm, with his deep insights, takes readers on an intellectual odyssey spanning from the cataclysmic events of 1914 to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. He combines the harsh realities of wars, economic upheavals, and political revolutions with the quieter nuances of societal shifts.

One should keep in mind that Hobsbawm was an avid Marxist, which reflected heavily on his books.

What struck me most was Hobsbawm's ability to weave together the threads of global history, providing a panoramic view of the century's extremes. From the devastation of the World Wars to the ideological battlegrounds of the Cold War, Hobsbawm fearlessly confronts the tumultuous periods that shaped the destiny of nations.


Part I. The Age of Catastrophe
1. The Age of Total War
2. The World Revolution
3. Into the Economic Abyss
4. The Fall of Liberalism
5. Against the Common Enemy
6. The Arts 1914–1945
7. End of Empires

Part II. The Golden Age
8. Cold War
9. The Golden Years
10. The Social Revolution 1945–1990
11. Cultural Revolution
12. The Third World
13. "Real Socialism"

Part III. The Landslide
14. The Crisis Decades
15. Third World and Revolution
16. End of Socialism
17. The Avant-Garde Dies: The Arts After 1950
18. Sorcerers and Apprentices: The Natural Sciences
19. Towards the Millennium