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The easiest way to install a newer kernel in Debian, is to install it from the backports. In order to install a kernel from the backports, we need to add the backports-repository for your Debian version to the apt-sources and update the list of available packages:

Add following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb bullseye-backports main 
sudo apt-get update              

Now you can search for kernels:

sudo apt search linux-image

At this point, you can either install a specific version manually or choose to go for the latest release. To install the latest release, including necessary dependencies:

sudo apt -t bullseye-backports upgrade

After the upgrade, you can simply perform a reboot and the new kernel should be activated as the new default.

uname -r
update_a_brand_new_kernel_debian_11.1644075316.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/12 21:24 (external edit)