- 24 songs
- Filmovi u junu, 2009.
- Filmovi u oktobru, 2009.
- Ljeto u Danskoj, 2015.
- The year in cities, 2005
- The year in cities, 2006
- The year in cities, 2007
- The year in cities, 2008
- The year in cities, 2009
- The year in cities, 2010
- The year in cities, 2011
- The year in cities, 2012
- The year in cities, 2013
- The year in cities, 2014
- The year in cities, 2015
- The year in cities, 2016
- The year in cities, 2017
- The year in cities, 2018
- The year in cities, 2019
- The year in cities, 2020
- The year in cities, 2021
- The year in cities, 2022
- The year in cities, 2023
- The year in cities, 2024
- About
- About 2004
- About the website
- About ćevapi
- A change
- A critic from India
- Addressaten ubekendt
- Afenginn in Vejle
- After Debian Endeavour continues
- A genocide denier, and a Nobel prize winner
- A genocide denier, and a Nobel prize winner
- Age of Bullshit
- Agony over?
- A good day
- A happy time
- A History of Violence
- A honey controversy
- A hurricane
- AI ChatGPT
- AI getting better and better
- Ajan o Marku
- A la burgoise, just cheeper
- Alanya
- Alene for dig
- Alexander
- All my cell phones
- All That Remains
- All the surfing
- Alphabeat - Boyfriend (live)
- Ambivalens
- Ambivalentnost
- A mechanic in the previous life
- An alternative history of Dino A.
- And the waltz goes on
- A new change
- A new host and stuff
- A new job
- Annoying phrases
- An Orient
- Another prejudice just died
- Another Woman
- An X-mas street
- A Perfect Tomb
- A photo box
- A photo from the year 2000
- Apple with anything
- April 17th, 1992
- A quote: George Bernard Shaw
- Around Vejle
- Arven
- A sada nešto sasvim drugo
- A second day at work
- A superstar artist
- At my work
- A tribute (or a RIP)
- A tribute to my wife
- A trip to Bosnia and Croatia
- A trip to Firenze
- A Trip To The Northern Jutland
- Avdibeg's idea no. 1
- Avdibeg's idea no. 2
- - more than two decades ago
- Avdibeg art
- Avdibeg Audios, S01E00 (pilot)
- Avdibeg Audios – Believe in God?, S01E02
- Avdibeg Audios – Skyrim, S01E01
- Avdibeg Audios – Svijet bez religija, S01E03
- Avdibeg Mixtape --X
- Avdibeg Mixtape 001
- Avdibeg Mixtape 002
- Avdibeg Mixtape 003
- Avdibeg Mixtape 004
- Avdibeg Mixtape 005
- Avdibeg Mixtape 006
- Avdibeg Mixtape 007
- Avdibeg Mixtape 007
- Avdibeg Mixtape 008
- Avdibeg Mixtape 009
- Avdibeg Mixtape 011
- Avdibeg Mixtape 012
- Avdibeg Mixtape 013
- Avdibeg mixtapes
- Daniel Bell, a socialist, a liberal, a conservative
- Daniel Bell, a socialist, a liberal, a conservative
- Daniel Bell, a socialist, a liberal, a conservative
- Flirting with Linux, again!
- Happy Birthday, Amra
- In Hamburg, again
- Jest' da mi je stomak pun, ali...
- Pascha Bay, Alanya
- Quo Vadis, Aida?
- Babel
- Bad Dreams, The Wire
- Bajram
- Bajram i rođendan
- Bakushan
- Balkansko podneblje
- Bambi
- Barackova inauguracija
- Barndommens minder
- Bernhardov Gubitnik
- Best films I watched in 2020
- Bezmenov and ideological subversion
- Big Fish
- Bijeg od kuće
- Bilfri dag
- Bill Bryson - Neither here nor there
- Billeder fra Ebeltoft
- Blog
- Blood Diamond
- Bob Roberts/Donald Trump & A Post-Factual Society
- bog nije veliki
- Bondarchuk on Solaris
- Book presentation: Pathétique
- Books in line
- Borba za budućnost
- Bornholm
- Bosanska literatura danas
- Bosanska noć sevdaha u Aarhusu
- Bosanski zmajevi
- Bosna i Hercegovina: budućnost nezavršenog rata
- Bosna u proljeće
- Bosnia in Easter
- Boxer at Rest
- Breakdown
- Breeze of Delight
- Bridget Jones, part crap
- Burn After Reading/Age of Bullsh*t
- Burn After Reading
- Bush-o-somnia
- Bye, social media
- Films, books and music in 2024
- Calella
- Call of Juarez
- Calvaire
- Came back from Bosnia
- Carol (2015)
- Carpark North - All Things To People
- Casino Royale
- Catastrophe in the southeastern Asia
- Caveman's gotta new toy
- Celery
- Changed webhost
- Chervona Kalyna
- Childe Harrold
- Christiansfeld
- Christmas in Lübeck
- Christmas surprises
- Christopher Hitchens, 1949-2011
- Close-up
- Cold winter
- Color Out of Space
- Comment
- Concert: The Music of Hans Zimmer and Others
- Copenhagen in July '06
- Covers for Mixtape 004
- Dagplejefængsel
- Dall-E AI
- Damned second
- Damp
- Daniel Bell, a socialist, a liberal, a conservative
- Dashcam
- Das Leben der Anderen
- David's mutton dagger
- Debian, my Linux distro of choice
- Debian Bookworm
- Decembarski snijeg
- Deja vu
- Dejo i Ogi
- Delete & erase
- Den bedste generation
- Denis Dželić - Bajka za Unu
- Den konstante trussel mod freden på Balkan
- Den sejeste dreng i ghettoen
- Den smukkeste sang
- Depeche Mode: Touring the Angel
- Der er kun en frihed
- De retfærdige
- Desktop monologues
- Det går så hurtigt
- Det magiske vendepunkt
- Dečin and Dresden
- Digtesamling "Pathétique" - gratis download
- Dilemma's ended
- Dimebag's dead
- Dina
- Dinas hjertesol
- Dinastija
- Dina – Under stjernerne på himlen
- Dinin rođendan
- Dinos uafhængighedsret
- District 9
- Django Unchained
- Djurs Sommerland
- Dobra pitanja
- Dodir (priča)
- Dokaz da sam lijep
- Dolia - The Gift
- Don't be neutral
- Dream Theater - Black Clouds & Silver Linings
- Dream Theater
- Druženje sa A. Meškovićem
- Druženje sa Denisom Dželićem
- Druženje sa filozofom Safetom Bektovićem
- Dubioza in Aarhus
- Dánjal - in concert
- Easter in Mölln
- Eating at Mackie's
- E ja mu ne halalim
- El Sur/Our Childhoods’ Memories of Our Fathers
- Emacs: The Second Round
- En gammel nørdejoke
- Enhver pris
- En udlændings tanker om det danske sprog
- Eric Cantona
- Erich Fromm o trivijalnim ljudima
- Et menneskes teknologivalg
- Et strejf af lykke
- EU izbori i referendum
- Yu, mi, everybody
- Far Cry 5
- Fars dag
- Faust's children
- Fear of buying
- Film Magistery
- Filmovi u 2008.
- Filmovi u 2009.
- Filmovi u 2010.
- Filmovi u 2011.
- Filmovi u 2012.
- Filmovi u 2013.
- Filmovi u 2014.
- Filmovi u 2015.
- Filmovi u decembru
- Filmovi u februaru
- Filmovi u junu, 2009.
- Filmovi u novembru
- Filmovi u oktobru, 2009.
- Films, books and music in 2024
- Films and books in 2023
- Films in April
- Films in August
- Films in January
- Films in July
- Films in June
- Films in March
- Films in May
- Films in October
- Films in September
- Firewatch
- First albums
- Flightplan/Assault on Precinct.../The King of.../Syriana
- Flirting with Linux, again!
- Floods in the Balkans
- Folkeafstemningen om retsforbeholdet
- Folketingsvalg 2022
- Foredrag: 20 år i Danmark
- Freeda watch – SS36 Gran Turismo
- Freedom is one
- Frka u kinu
- Fun all day
- Games in 2015
- Gamle danske plakater
- Gdje sam bio prije šest godina
- Generacija klik
- Generacija N: Površni svijet vrtoglavih brzina
- Genocide: A World History (book)
- Geschmack of the 1980s
- Get Bruce Willis off my screen!
- Glad - Knut Hamsun
- GNOME and free software under attack
- Godišnjica
- Going places
- Golf i Rembrandt
- Grejsdalsstien
- Grim
- Grmi i sijeva
- Gymnastikpiger
- H. Murakami - Kad padne noć
- Haj' šetnja!
- Hana's graduation
- Happy Birthday, Amra
- Hari Mata Hari - Sreća
- Harz
- Hele Danmarks Ghita
- Hello Langeland
- Helvetica
- Hjernegymnastik
- Hollow
- Holy Motors/Fluidity of Identities
- Holy Motors
- Homo Bosniacus
- Hooligan, I want to be
- Hot stuff under chilly circumstances
- Høll
- Smile, here's the yellow face
- Sorry, history!
- Hooligan, I want to be
- I and comic books
- I can't play my CD
- Idi ulicom kojom nikad prije kročio nisi!
- Igračke
- Imigrantska priča s Grenlanda
- In Budapest
- In Hamburg, again
- In memoriam: Hiba Avdibegović
- In Memoriam: Ševko Kadrić
- In Paris with the girls
- In Passing
- In Prague again
- Inspiron has landed
- Instead of New Year's resolution
- In the Land of Nonexistent Objectivity and Empathy
- In the Night
- Into The Wild
- Isak
- Italijan
- Itching & Scratching 2013
- Itching & Scratching Film Festival II
- Itching Scratching Film Festival 2015
- I to timer
- I want Ubuntu
- Iza mora
- Kad ne pišeš sam, ispravljaj tuđe
- Once again, shame on you, Israel
- Shame on you, Israel!
- Slatke riječi, II. dio
- A la burgoise, just cheeper
- Jarhead
- Jedna ljuta
- Jest' da mi je stomak pun, ali...
- Julefrokost
- Jørgen i Geo
- Krakow, July 2012
- Kada dosadno je dobro
- Kad ne pišeš sam, ispravljaj tuđe
- Kafu mi draga ispeci
- Kagernes dag
- Kako spašavamo smrt od života
- Kako srušiti začarane zidove
- Kamen u žući
- Kapsule i životinje
- Karadzic finally captured
- Karlstrup Kalkgrav
- Kartica u pekari
- Kedsomhed
- Keeper of the Seven Keys
- Kerberu
- Kierkegaard and sufism
- Kierkegaard Carnival
- Kim Larsen og Space Babyen
- Kindle 3
- King Kong/Bænken
- Kleobis og Biton
- Klima na bosanski način
- Knjiga: The-Know-It-All
- Knjige u 2008.
- Knjige u 2009.
- Knjige u 2010.: Trilingualna čitanka
- Knjige u 2011.
- Kobo Clara 2E
- Kokice
- Konačno historijska utakmica?
- Kongens Kær
- Korrektur
- Krakow, July 2012
- Kroz genocid do slobode
- Kuda se kreće TV marketing
- Kupusović o Gradačcu
- Kvalmen
- Kældermennesket
- Kćerkin crtež prije 12 godina
- Lacuna Mag
- La La Land
- Last working day in 2006
- Laugh of the day
- Leave the World Behind
- Left 2 Die
- Lego Family Days
- Lidt før 6:27
- Like father like daughter
- Linux, two years later
- Linux Mint
- Ljeto u Danskoj, 2015.
- Ljetovanje u Francuskoj
- Ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini
- London Bombings
- Love is in the air
- Loveplay
- Lov na divlju ovcu
- Lov na sreću
- Loš dan
- Luther
- Lærerens Dag
- Læs med mig
- L’Eclisse (1962)
- Putovanje u Bosnu, ljeto 2009.
- Debian, my Linux distro of choice
- Mac & cheese
- Mad Men, prva sezona
- Magical Macedonia
- Make it so
- Malo prije 6:27
- Malo šuplje o okolini
- Mama
- Maratonci trče počasni krug
- Margaret (2011)
- Match Point
- Me and my municipality
- Meaning of life
- Media consumption in April 2024
- Media consumption in May 2024
- Mehmed Baždarević, novi selektor
- Micheletto’s wise words
- Minecraft
- Min nye computer
- Misli umornog studenta
- Mit lille bidrag
- Moja mama
- Moja ultimativna (nezavršena) lista filmova
- Moji automobili
- Moj kum i ja
- Molesworth - An account of Denmark
- Molim te, zapiši
- Montenegro
- More i rakovi
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- Mr. Colvin, Sir?
- Music from the toilet
- Musiksmag = personlighed
- My Coniston
- My cousin’s birthday
- My CPF - Cellular Phone Facts
- My dilemma
- My distros
- My hardware list
- My media consumption in February 2024
- My media consumption in January 2024
- My media consumption in March 2024
- Mynte
- Mynte Hungry
- My scanner sucks
- My top 10 movie list
- My ultimate, unfinished film list
- Ribe, malo mjesto od velikog značaja
- Sretan rođendan, moja beginjo!
- Vim, my new writing tool
- Yu, mi, everybody
- Mehmed Baždarević, novi selektor
- Na granici razlika
- Najbolji filmovi u 2017.
- Najbolji filmovi u 2018
- Najbolji filmovi u 2019.
- Najbolji hljeb na svijetu
- Nakon ferija sam se ošišao
- Nakon jučer
- Nakon pakla
- Na stećku moja riječ
- Naša dvoličnost
- Nedjelja sa curkama
- Nedjeljna šetnja
- NED vs. UKR
- Neighborhood 1
- Neobična potreba
- Nesavladano umijeće
- Nestašluci prijašnjeg vremena
- Net abbs sux!
- New mixtape
- News regarding the Bosnian Pyramid of Sun
- Next reading
- Night and fog/Genocide
- Night snack
- Nikon D60
- Nismo vjerovali da se to moglo nama desiti
- Nokia 5800
- Nokturno
- Nordbanen
- Nordbanens bogomslag
- North Jutland, summer of '21
- Norveška šuma
- Nota 1 - Uzaludne brazde
- Nota 2 - Čovjek sa psom
- Nota 3 - Voajerstvo pred spavanje
- Nota 4 - Veliki smetač
- Nota 5 - Miris lipe
- Nota 6 - Ruski sat
- Nota 7 - Isaac u biblioteci
- Nota 8 - Nepoželjna diskusija
- Nota 9 - Svijet je mali
- Nota 10 - Deset hiljada koraka
- Nota 11 - Balkanska dobrodošlica
- Not so recovering
- Novogodišnji ručak
- Nož i prst
- Ny viden om hår
- Når Dybde møder Ringe
- Nögen
- Obrnuta proporcionalnost
- Ogledala sjaj
- Old cinema tickets
- Om opfattelse og ordforståelse
- Once again, shame on you, Israel
- Oneplus Nord 4
- One year older
- On Game of Thrones
- On interview with Nihad Hasanović
- Only You
- On music
- Opeth - Burden
- Opeth - Den ständiga resan
- Opeth - The Last Will and Testament
- Opet u kinu
- Ordering Pathétique online
- Organizing my digital life
- O roštilju i raznim smetnjama
- Osmi mart u Danskoj
- Otac
- Out from space
- Ovo nije lazanja
- Bridget Jones, part crap
- Mad Men, prva sezona
- Pain of Salvation - live at the Rock
- Paradise
- Pascha Bay, Alanya
- Pasivnost i nemezis
- Pathétique - besplatan download
- Pathétique - my book of poetry
- Pathétique
- Peace for Aleppo
- Peksimete
- Perfect Days
- Pink Floyd Project koncert
- Pirati i ukleti brodovi
- Pogača
- Pogled u Bosnu
- Ponovo u Bosni
- Portal 2
- Posljednja pjesma
- Posljednji dani u Rimu
- Prag
- Prag i Drezden
- Predavanje u Vejleu
- Predstava: Krigskonfekt
- Prije 16 godina
- Primjer nesuptilnosti
- Principovo nasljeđe
- Privremeno iseljeni
- Priče - antologija bh. pisaca iz inozemstva
- Priče - Dario Džamonja
- Priče - zbirka
- Profesija i pečurke
- Projects
- Promaster
- Prometheus
- Promocija knjige "Priče" - zbirka bh. pisaca iz inozemstva
- Promocija knjige "Sjene izgubljenog vremena"
- Prva godina bez mame
- Prvo broj magazina Lacuna Mag
- Pseudopolaroid
- Psykologi og eksistens
- Putovanje u Bosnu, ljeto 2009.
- Putovanje u diktaturu
- Pyramid found - in the heart of Bosnia!
- På restaurant med vennerne
- Påske i Lütjenburg
- Sunset in Vejle, pt. 2
- The Journey Never Ends, part I
- The Journey Never Ends, part II
- Vampires I’m dreaming about, part II
- World of Eurania, part I
- Read and watched in 2018
- Reading list
- Reading my brother's stuff
- Readings lately
- Reading Station Eleven
- Reform of Danish language?
- Regarding the website
- Relaxing in Grömitz
- Revizija
- Reš pečeno
- Ribe, malo mjesto od velikog značaja
- Rječnik sumnji
- Rodos
- Rubix Linux
- Rügen
- Avdibeg Audios, S01E00 (pilot)
- Avdibeg Audios – Believe in God?, S01E02
- Avdibeg Audios – Skyrim, S01E01
- Avdibeg Audios – Svijet bez religija, S01E03
- Bye, social media
- Mr. Colvin, Sir?
- North Jutland, summer of '21
- Once again, shame on you, Israel
- Sad Franco
- Sanjao sam jednom
- Sankt Hans
- Sapiens
- Sarajevo Calling
- Satellite image of Bosanski Šamac
- Secret Passage
- Sensommer
- Sevdah metal
- Sevdah Takht
- Shame on you, Israel!
- Siromaštvo
- Sjene izgubljenog vremena
- Sjene izgubljenog vremena
- Sjećanje na početak rata
- Skafander
- Slapboxing
- Slatke riječi, II. dio
- Slatke riječi
- Sleepy Beauty
- Sloppy Joe
- Smile, here's the yellow face
- Snow, snow everywhere
- Snow, snow everywhere
- Snow in da ghetto
- Solar and lunar eclipses
- Solaris and a few thoughts
- Soliter Titanic
- Sorry, history!
- Space Office/The Suppression
- SpaceX
- Spasitelj muške populacije?
- S ponosom naprijed
- Sretan rođendan, moja beginjo!
- Statistik: Film i 2014
- Steam 2022
- Stettin
- Strah od boli
- Ståsteder
- Sudba ili?
- Summer in Kanali
- Summer vacation: day one
- Summer vacation: day two
- Sunset in Vejle, pt. 2
- Sunset in Vejle
- Sunshine
- Superliga fra helvede
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Sushi med venner
- Svi omoti "Sjena izgubljenog vremena"
- Switching back to Devuan?
- Sådan skal livet være
- Bad Dreams, The Wire
- Linux, two years later
- Tarkovsky for free
- Tatijev rođendan
- Tati na papiru
- Tatine zemičke
- Tea is Chai
- Team TLT
- Teenaging again?
- Teorija svega
- Teško je biti fin
- The Age of Extremes
- The Alchemist
- The best American non-required reading 2008
- The best books in 2017
- The best films in 2016
- The Broken Circle Breakdown
- The Browning Version
- The Burger Joint
- The Constant Gardener
- The current playlist
- The Dark Reality of Generation Alpha
- The day of spider
- The Departed
- The Double Life of Veronique
- The Easter film list
- The film: 300
- The first song in 2015
- The Fountain/Eternal Love
- The Host
- The Human Stain
- The Journey Never Ends, part I
- The Journey Never Ends, part II
- The Kite Runner
- The Lack of Courage of Never Let Me Go
- The Lazarus Effect
- The Lessons of History (book)
- The Lives of Others/Surveillance
- The Machinist, Taxi Driver & Der Untergang
- The Machinist, Taxi Driver & Der Untergang
- The Mandalorian
- The Materialist Theory
- The Mirror/Tarkovsky’s Time Sculpting
- The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity
- The New World
- The poet Mr. Data
- The poetry of the Thin Red Line
- The programs I used in 2010
- The Remains...
- The Remains of the Day/Regrets
- The Resistance
- The Truth About Dentistry
- The Wall
- The Weather Talk
- The west coast in February
- The World of Today
- The year in cities, 2005
- The year in cities, 2006
- The year in cities, 2007
- The year in cities, 2008
- The year in cities, 2009
- The year in cities, 2010
- The year in cities, 2011
- The year in cities, 2012
- The year in cities, 2013
- The year in cities, 2014
- The year in cities, 2015
- The year in cities, 2016
- The year in cities, 2017
- The year in cities, 2018
- The year in cities, 2019
- The year in cities, 2020
- The year in cities, 2021
- The year in cities, 2022
- The year in cities, 2023
- The year in cities, 2024
- Things to do before the trip to Bosnia
- This Easter
- This girl gets it
- This War of Mine
- Thorn Clown
- Through Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Tiden ændrer alt
- Tilfældigheder eller...
- Today at Vejle Kunstmuseum
- Top 10 movies
- Touch
- Toves værelse
- TraumaZone
- Tračak
- Trevor/Steven
- Tribina sa filozofom Safetom Bektovićem
- Tri godine
- True Detective
- Tucker and Dale vs Evil
- Turbo analiza
- Turbo analiza no. 2 – Šta učini crni gavrane
- Turen til Bosnien og Montenegro
- Turmoil made by 12 drawings
- Tur til Østfyn
- Tuđe uvijek bolje šmeka
- TV series and I
- Twenty years of the blog
- Two Days in Hamburg
- Two different generations
- My ultimate, unfinished film list
- U 2007.
- U 2008.
- Ubuntu again
- Ubuntu and podcasting
- Ukraine
- U Milanu i Bergamu
- U Minhenu
- Umjetna inteligencija i Platonove kardinalne vrline
- Uncle Junior's hospitality
- UN declares Srebrenica Genocide remembrance day
- Unsatisfied with transition
- Urge to live near other people
- Using Linux for five years
- Using Linux for four years
- Uspon i pad jednog dima
- Utopia for Realists
- U Vejle muzeju
- Uzak (2002)
- Vacation
- Valg 2007
- Vampires I'm dreaming about
- Vampires I’m dreaming about, part II
- Varšava
- Ved slottet
- Vejle-Brøndby
- V for Vendetta
- Vi lever
- Villain music
- Vilnius
- Vim, my new writing tool
- Vitez tame
- Vjera u bolju BiH
- Void Linux
- Vores andet sted
- War for territory
- War of the Worlds
- Watching the game and writing
- Weissenhäuser Strand
- West Coast
- West Coast again
- What kind of people are Bosnians?
- What We Believe But Cannot Prove
- When File Manager Hands You Lemons and How AI Turned Them Into Lemonade
- Who's the fool in Manchester?
- Why I blog
- Winter Bath
- Words when you were born
- Work in Progress
- Works
- World of Eurania, part I