Blog: tech

Dall-E AI

Interesting times are ahead of us. Artificial intelligence can now create images beyond our imagination, and it can also write texts for us. For instance, I asked AI to "Write a review about Dream Theater's album Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence". Here's the result:

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Linux, two years later

Yesterday, August 27, was exactly two years since I shifted from Windows to Linux. Initially, I used Linux Mint, but at the moment I am running Ubuntu MATE on my desktop machine, and Debian on my laptop. Both of them are running stuff impeccably, without any problems. Both are super stable, secure, and I don't have to fiddle with them in order to make them do what I want.

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Vim, my new writing tool

As a writer I have always searched for a perfect word processor. Of course I used Word and LibreOffice Writer, and they have surved the purpose for many years. But I have also been on a constant quest for a perfect word processor that is minimal, visually and functionally. I guess what I always wanted is a distraction-free word processor, and so I've tried OmmWriter, Google Docs and many more. On Linux I've tested Typora, which is great, but also Focuswriter, JDarkRoom and probably a few more.

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Bye, social media

I have erased Reddit, Facebook and Twitter apps from my phone. Previously I’ve done the same with Instagram, which I believe is the worst SoMe of them all. This is something that I wanted to do for many years now, but there was always some excuse not to do it (family, friends, whatever…).

Recently, I read a fine book Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now written by Jaron Lanier. Some of the arguments are: You are losing your free will, Social media is making you into an asshole, Social media is undermining truth, Social Media is destroying your capacity for empathy, Social media is making you unhappy, and Social media is hating your soul.

While social media really can (and could) be a great platform for exchanging ideas, opinions, and having constructive and enriching discussions, it has become our enemy, because people and the system behind it use it primarily for economic/capitalist benefit, which doesn’t care at all for interests of individuals and even societies. So, I want to make at least a longer break from it, and seriously, I don’t want to be an asshole (as Lanier puts it) nor someone whose data and online activity is being used and monetized by these unscrupulous and dishonest digital conglomerates.

Et menneskes teknologivalg

Jeg har ofte undret mig over menneskets manglende vilje til selvbestemmelse i næsten alle henseender af vores liv og dagligdag. Spørgsmålet om vores fri vilje har man diskuteret siden de tidligste græske stoikere frem til i dag, men en udtømmende relation om fri vilje og det emne jeg omtaler i denne tekst vil jeg gemme til en anden gang. Udover den eksistentielle del, har jeg altid været interesseret i, hvorfor vi mennesker ikke har større nysgerrighed, når det kommer til valg af vores computere, mobiltelefoner og andet teknologiudstyr. Som udgangspunkt vil jeg tage mig selv som et eksempel.

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Void Linux

Even though I am mostly using Linux distributions that are based on Debian, I have recently stumbled upon a very neat, minimalist distro called Void Linux. It is an independent distribution, designed from scratch, and thus not based on other Linux distributions. Void Linux is a rolling release, similar to Arch Linux, meaning it delivers continuously updates to applications and the system. What it makes it interesting in my opinion is its minimalist structure. When you install it, Void Linux doesn’t have a lot of applications installed. This can actually be a little bit of a pain, since it doesn’t even come with bash-completion, an essential package that helps complete inputs and commands when using a terminal.

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GNOME and free software under attack

A month ago GNOME was hit by patent troll for developing the Shotwell image management application. They stated:

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Left 2 Die

I took you out
before you died.
So long, my noisy friend.

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Linux Mint

Det hele startede som en joke. Jeg snakkede med en ven og vi kom til at diskuttere den stigende ustabilitet i Microsoft Windows. Jeg begyndte at igen opleve den frygtede Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) efter mange, mange års fravær på min Windowsmaskine. Derudover snakkede vi om stigende privatlivets krænkelser, især fra de store techgiganter Facebook, Microsoft, Google og andre. Disse virksomheder lever af deres brugeres informationer, som hele tiden samles, sorteres i og sælges videre til andre virksomheder, eller de udnytter selv for at servere flere reklamer for os. Som man siger, hvis et produkt er gratis, er du selv et produkt, og det er netop, hvad vi, brugere, faktisk er blevet siden vi begyndte at bruge Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, Windows og YouTube. Disse produkter er ofte gratis i en eller anden forstand, men virksomheder, som står bag disse tjenester, samler hele tiden oplysninger af deres brugere og anvender dem som de lyster, oftest er det nok i en eller anden kommerciel form.

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Generacija N: Površni svijet vrtoglavih brzina

Nije nikakva tajna za većinu ljudi da živimo u vremenu u kojem se mnoge stvari u našoj svakodnevnici dešavaju izrazito brzo i dinamično. Stotine miliona ljudi je uhvaćeno u beskrajnoj binarnoj spirali u kojoj neumoljivo vladaju društvene mreže kao što su Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Snapchat, Viber i drugi. Osim enormno velike količine digitalnog sadržaja, za sve njih je zajedničko to što se sve u njima dešava munjevitom brzinom. Jedan tvit za nekoliko minuta nestaje u beskrajnom moru drugih tvitova, objava na Facebook se vrlo brzo utopi u mnoštvu drugih objava, vijesti i reklama, a video na YouTube-u zamijeni hrpa novopristiglih i još popularnijih snimaka. Na autostradu virtualne egzistencije nekoliko milijardi ljudi u savremenom društvu treba dodati još i korištenje pametnih telefona preko kojih se dodatno i još brže ulazi u gore navedeni virtualni svijet društvenih mreža.

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Jučer, 1. maja 2017, SpaceX raketa je poletjela u svemir u visinu od 166 kilometara i spustila se uspravno odakle je krenula. I sve to u roku od devet (9) minuta. Izgleda fenomenalno da se čini da je urađeno pomoću specijalnih efekata, ali nije.

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This little machine is my new toy – it’s a Synology DS116 NAS server. So small, yet so powerful and versatile. I can access my files from anywhere, I can listen to my music, get to my photographs, share them with the family or friends, have my own calendar, mail, databases and so much more.

Why didn’t I get it sooner? Merry Christmas to me.

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