Blog: personal

Using Linux for five years

Five years ago, I made the switch from Windows to Linux, and I haven’t looked back since. I started my journey with Linux Mint, where I stayed for a while. It was a great introduction to Linux, and I still recommend it to anyone seeking a Windows alternative. After Mint, I transitioned to Ubuntu for a bit before finally settling on Debian, which I’ve been using since late 2021.

Currently, I use Debian, though not the stable version. I prefer the Testing branch (codename Trixie), which is essentially a testing ground for what will become Debian 13 in about a year or so.

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Keeper of the Seven Keys

I have a photographic memory, which means I can recall some incredibly obscure moments from my life. Today, I found myself with an unexpected urge to listen to a particular song by the German power metal band Helloween1—Keeper of the Seven Keys. This track is from their album Keeper of the Seven Keys: Part II, released in 1988.

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Emacs: The Second Round

"I find myself once again in that deep, dark, endless rabbit hole of Emacsland, but something is different this time. I don’t want to leave as I did last time, at least not for now. I think I’ve seen the light of the Cathedral of Holy Emacs, and I want Emacs to be part of my writing experience from now on."

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Kongens Kær

Siden vi kun har nogle få dage før vi skal tilbage til hamsterhjul aka arbejdet, har Amra og jeg besluttet for at bruge lidt tid for os selv i naturen. Pigerne blev hjemme, mens vi kørte til Knabberup, lige udenfor Vejle. Vi efterlod bilen på en parkeringsplads ikke langt fra Vejle Sportsfiskerforening og så fulgte vi den såkaldte Kongens Kær-vandreruten.

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Billeder fra Kongens Kær

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Summer in Kanali

This year, our family went to Greece for our holidays (once again). I just feel at home there. After all, it's the Balkans, so I guess that's true. The nature is amazing, and so are the people, culture, and food. This time, we visited Kanali, near the town of Preveza. This is the view that greeted us.

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Ionian Sea at its finest.

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