Blog: personal

Nedjelja sa curkama

Nedjelju smo proveli familijarno i zajedno cure i ja. Prošetali smo do grada. Bilo je hladno, ali suho i sunčano. Otišli smo na kuglanje, što se jako svidjelo curama, pogotovo Dini, koja je uživala u bacanju kugli. Toliko joj se svidjelo kuglanje, da je čak tražila da baci nekoliko kugli nakon što smo završili naše runde. Amra i ja bi se povremeno zezali i pravili reference na jedan od naših omiljenih filmova, The Big Lebowski.

Nakon kuglanja, ručali smo u "našem" restoranu Konstantinobel u centru Vejlea, u koji dolazimo preko dvadeset i pet godina. Pričali smo sa kćerkama, evocirali uspomene, i govorili im kako i koliko puta smo ih dovodili ovdje kada su bile skroz male. Mislim da su po prvi put shvatile kako dugo i æesto dolazimo u ovaj restoran.

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Dina uživa u kuglanju

Poslijepodne Amra i ja smo pogledali danski film Još jedna runda (Druk). Režiser je Thomas Vinterberg. Vrlo dobar i neobičan film o četvorici nastavnika koji prave pakt u kojem će svakodnevno piti alkohol kako bi bi imali bolji učinak na svojim časovima, ali i kako bi učinili svoju svakodnevnicu zanimljivijom. Naravno, teško da tako jedna odluka može proći bez posljedica... Međutim, iako je konzumiranje alkohola u centru radnje ovoga filma, tema je mnogo šira, i u biti radi se o običnim životima i izazovima s kojima se ljudi, pogotovo srednjih godina, suočavaju.

Vrlo dobar film i fin završetak odličnog dana sa curama.

Winter Bath

And so, I have tried my first winter bath this year. A great feeling. The girls felt the same.

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The year in cities, 2024

This is the twentieth year I am making this yearly list of all the cities I stayed in. If you don't believe me, you can see all the previous years down below.

My 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 lists.

In Budapest

Last Christmas, it was Paris, but this year, the girls and I decided to spend the holidays in Budapest. The flight was smooth and uneventful, which is always a good thing. Once we arrived, we hopped into a taxi that took us to our apartment on Kiraly Street. The street feels like a trendy area full of hipsters and a lively nightlife scene. Fortunately, our apartment was tucked away inside a quiet building, so we enjoyed peaceful nights.

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After Debian Endeavour continues

After using Debian full-time for three years, I've decided to explore other Linux distributions. This decision is purely driven by my desire to learn more, not because I’m dissatisfied with Debian. On the contrary, Debian has been a reliable and trustworthy companion for the past three years. During my time on Debian, I used two desktop environments—Cinnamon and Xfce. I've been using Xfce for the last 18 months, and I love its simplicity and stability. However, choosing a conservative (and slowly evolving) desktop environment like Xfce requires some compromises. For example, while Thunar, the default file manager, is functional, it lacks some features found in other file managers and can be somewhat unreliable, depending on the use case. In my experience, I had some issues when my Synology NAS was shut down while my Linux machine was still running. There was a simple solution to the problem, but it took me a couple of years to figure it out.

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