Blog: literature


I've seen this post by Haris Pašović, a theater director, in which he mentions Damir Uzunović, a Bosnian poet, and his poem Nokturno:

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Rječnik sumnji

Krajem marta ove godine i početkom aprila sam bio u Bosni, jer za vrijeme Uskrsa imam kraći odmor. Te dane sam iskoristio da sa ocem odemo do našeg rodnog grada, Bosanskog Šamca. Jedan dan smo otišli u Brčko, a kadgod svratim u "glavni" grad Posavine, navratim i u knjižaru Knjigoljubac. U knjižari sam sreo zaposlenika, pa smo tako upali u priču. Ispostavilo se da se radi o pjesniku Almiru Zalihiću, te da je taj dan pomagao u trgovini svome sinu, koji je zapravo vlasnik knižare. I tako su dva pjesnika pričali o svemu u tih petnaestak minuta.

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The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity

In religious studies, few topics are as controversial as the origins of Christianity. One of the most interesting figures in this narrative is the apostle Paul. His influence on the early Christian movement is undeniable. In his book, “The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity,” Hyam Maccoby delves into the historical context surrounding Paul's life and teachings, offering a critical perspective on his role in shaping the Christian faith.

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The Age of Extremes

Recently, I delved into Eric Hobsbawm's “The Age of Extremes,” a historical grand work that left me captivated and contemplative.

Hobsbawm, with his deep insights, takes readers on an intellectual odyssey spanning from the cataclysmic events of 1914 to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. He combines the harsh realities of wars, economic upheavals, and political revolutions with the quieter nuances of societal shifts.

One should keep in mind that Hobsbawm was an avid Marxist, which reflected heavily on his books.

What struck me most was Hobsbawm's ability to weave together the threads of global history, providing a panoramic view of the century's extremes. From the devastation of the World Wars to the ideological battlegrounds of the Cold War, Hobsbawm fearlessly confronts the tumultuous periods that shaped the destiny of nations.


Part I. The Age of Catastrophe
1. The Age of Total War
2. The World Revolution
3. Into the Economic Abyss
4. The Fall of Liberalism
5. Against the Common Enemy
6. The Arts 1914–1945
7. End of Empires

Part II. The Golden Age
8. Cold War
9. The Golden Years
10. The Social Revolution 1945–1990
11. Cultural Revolution
12. The Third World
13. "Real Socialism"

Part III. The Landslide
14. The Crisis Decades
15. Third World and Revolution
16. End of Socialism
17. The Avant-Garde Dies: The Arts After 1950
18. Sorcerers and Apprentices: The Natural Sciences
19. Towards the Millennium

Surrounded by Idiots

I just finished reading "Surrounded by Idiots" by Thomas Erikson. This captivating book offers an interesting exploration of human behavior and communication styles, leveraging the author's expertise in human behavior. At its core, the book introduces a framework based on the DISC model, which categorizes individuals into four primary personality types: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious.

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