I mentioned almost seven years ago Opeth's beautiful song Burden. I still think this band, and its frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt in particular is extremely talented. Everything is of highest quality, including the lyrics. When I listen to music, I don't focus much on lyrics (hence: listening to music), but Opeth's lyrics are often a pure poetry. This time I want to emphasize the song "Den ständiga resan" (eng.: The Constant Journey).
När jag tänker på den ständiga resan
Genom livet
När det alltid känns som höst
Då vänder sig vinden sakta mot norr
Och blommorna dör
Det faller regn i mina drömmar
When I think about the constant journey through life
When it always feels like fall
When the wind slowly turns to north
And the flowers die
It's raining in my dreams
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