Last Friday was my last day at work in this year, so we didn’t do much, except finishing some projects that had to be done before Christmas.
At 1 o’clock we all went to out to canteen where we got some sherry and port wine and Danish Christmas Rice Pudding (in Danish: ris-a-la-mand). At the end, every employee received a Christmas present from the company. Here’s what I got:
- Philips Blender HR2094
- The Big Book of Juices and Smoothies (Danish version)
- Aalborg Jule Akvavit
- Jeff De Bruges chocolade
- some additional stuff: marzipan, lip protection cream etc.
I am pretty satisfied with the presents, although I will have to find additional space for the blender in my not-so-spacious kitchen.
Today I am off to Italy on a four day vacation with Amra. I am having a vacation until January 3rd, so I am not going to work between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Beautiful!