
Jeg snakkede med nogle af mine elever et par dage siden, og jeg fortalte dem, at jeg aldrig-nogensinde-i-mit-liv har kedet mig, fordi jeg kunne altid finde på et eller andet. De kiggede på mig som om jeg var fra en anden planet. Kedsomhed er en integreret del af deres liv. Det er er i hverfald det de siger hele tiden: “Åååh, jeg keder mig!”.

Der er en meget fin scene i Mike Leigh’s film Naked (1993), der viser udmærket, hvad jeg synes, når nogen snakker om kedsomheden.

Louise: So what happened, were you bored in Manchester?
Johnny: Was I bored? No, I wasn’t fuckin’ bored. I’m never bored. That’s the trouble with everybody – you’re all so bored. You’ve had nature explained to you and you’re bored with it, you’ve had the living body explained to you and you’re bored with it, you’ve had the universe explained to you and you’re bored with it, so now you want cheap thrills and, like, plenty of them, and it doesn’t matter how tawdry or vacuous they are as long as it’s new as long as it’s new as long as it flashes and fuckin’ bleeps in forty fuckin’ different colors. So whatever else you can say about me, I’m not fuckin’ bored.
Louise: Yeah, allright.
Johnny: So, how is it all going for you?
Louise: It’s a bit boring, actually.

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