Završena je 2008. godina, a tako i moj eksperiment prilikom kojeg sam zabilježio svaki film koji sam pogledao tokom godine. Moram priznati da sam pomalo iznenađen velikim brojem pogledanih filmova (u prosjeku sam gledao jedan film svaki treći dan!), ipak sam prilično zauzet i imam vrlo mnogo obaveza tokom cijele godine. Veliki broj filmova vjerovatno pokazuje moju ljubav prema filmu i pokušaj prioritiranja gledanja filmova u moje slobodno vrijeme. Ipak treba spomenuti da sam u julu mjesecu gledao nevjerovatnih devetnaest filmova, jer sam nakon ozbiljne bolesti bio primoran preležati gotovo cijeli mjesec.
Od stotinu i šest filmova koje sam pogledao u 2008. samo sam najbolju ocjenu dao za dva filma: The Kite Runner i Into The Wild. Oba filma su šokantna i ostavljaju dubok trag u mislima i srcu gledaoca, i zaslužuju titulu najboljih filmova koje sam imao prilike pogledati u 2008. godini.
No, pored ova dva odlična filma treba spomeniti i sve vrlo dobre filmove koji su također više nego preporučljivi za gledanje: Swimming Pool, Sve džaba, No Country For Old Men, Fanny & Alexander, Teško je biti fin, Battle of Algier, The Story Of Us, Hotel Rwanda, Primal Fear, Everything Is Illuminated, About Schmidt, An Inconvinient Truth,* Burn After Reading*, Bee Movie, Helvetica, Hannah and Her Sisters i Down By Law.
Filmovi na listi su poredani hronološkim redom gledanja:
- Big ***
- We Were Soldiers ***
- Starsky & Hutch **
- Alien 3 **
- Intimate Strangers ***
- Hitch ***
- Wedding Crashers **
- The Kite Runner *****
- Swimming Pool ****
- Grindhouse **
- Hart’s War ***
- Death Becomes Her *
- Flight Of The Phoenix **
- Cloverfield ***
- Eastern Promises ***
- Da Vinci Code **
- Mystery Train ***
- Sve džaba ****
- Heat ***
- Hostage **
- No Country For Old Men ****
- Le Cri Du Hibou **
- Shine ***
- Fanny & Alexander ****
- Deja Vu **
- Teško je biti fin ****
- The Brave One **
- Battle of Algier ****
- A History Of Violence ***
- We Own The Night **
- Vacancy **
- Chaos **
- L’emploi du temps ***
- The Decider ***
- Chasing Amy ***
- The Story Of Us ****
- Hotel Rwanda ****
- Back To Future 1 ***
- Back To Future 2 ***
- Back To Future 3 ***
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen **
- Primal Fear ****
- Romeo Must Die *
- Kill Bill, Vol. 1 ***
- From Dusk til Dawn 2 *
- Modesty Blaise **
- Derailed ***
- From Dusk til Dawn 3 *
- Suddenly ***
- Jumper **
- The Mist **
- Inside Man ***
- Rambo IV *
- The Squid And The Whale ***
- Birth ***
- Backwoods *
- Everything Is Illuminated ****
- Adams Æbler ***
- About Schmidt ****
- Der Mitfahrer ***
- The Dark Knight ***
- An Inconvinient Truth ****
- 16 Blocks **
- The Good Shepherd ***
- Beaufort ***
- National Treasure: Book Of Secrets **
- The Brown Bunny *
- Alien vs. Predator **
- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring ***
- Kærlighed på film ***
- Bin-jip ***
- Frailty **
- Tape **
- The Last Samurai ***
- Burn After Reading ****
- Fun With Dick and Jane **
- Iron Man **
- The Invasion ***
- Underground ***
- Den lille ridder (short animated) ***
- Den lille gris flyver (short animated) ***
- Bennys Badekar (animated) *
- Big Buck Bunny (short animated) ***
- Bee Movie ****
- The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou ***
- The Contender ***
- Jesse James ***
- Vodka Lemon ***
- Michael Clayton **
- Helvetica ****
- Dinner Rush ***
- Duhovi Sarajeva **
- Juno ***
- Piglet’s Big Movie ***
- Man Bites Dog ***
- Hannah and Her Sisters ****
- This Film Is Not Yet Rated ***
- Nightmare Before Christmas ***
- Love Song For Bobby Long ***
- Down By Law ****
- Halbe Treppe (Grill Point) ***
- The Ice Harvest *
- Be Cool **
- Gomorra ***
- Into The Wild *****
- The Day Earth Stood Still ***
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